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冬天的景色 The Scenery in Winter英语作文

2021-12-10 17:55:02

冬天的景色 The Scenery in Winter英语作文

As I live in the southern area, so I barely see snow in the winter. The winter here is very cold, though people always believe that winter in the south should be much warmer. There is a small park near my house. When winter comes, the scenery there looks very beautiful. I like the lake. People take boats and enjoy the quiet moment. The cold weather makes the water look much clean, sometimes the water even smokes, and then the lake looks like the wonderland in the fairy tale. The trees and flowers are not as colorful as they are in the spring, but this scenery is easy to let people think about the ancient poet’s classical description about winter. I love the winter here, the scenery attracts me. It is OK without snow.




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