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2021-12-15 13:20:02



China"s traditional culture has a long history, many of which are still preserved, of which the most unforgettable is the Spring Festival.


On the night of new year"s Eve, our family sat together to have a reunion dinner, and all of them were happy. With the sound of fireworks, we started to set off fireworks. After we lit the fire, we each emitted different fireworks: some were like eagles coming straight down, some were like sparkling diamonds, some were like running horses, and some were like jumping birds The sky was ablaze with fireworks. The Spring Festival Gala began. Our family sat by the TV and enjoyed the colorful programs. Then, in the countdown to 12 o"clock, we ushered in the first day of the new year.


On the first day of the new year, Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the doors of every household, which are full of joy.


Why paste Spring Festival couplets and set off fireworks? It turns out that there is a story in it: it is said that there is a monster called Nian who comes out to hurt people and animals every time during the new year. Later, an immortal told people that Nian was afraid of red and noise, so there was the custom of setting off fireworks and pasting spring couplets.


I like Spring Festival best. I like the joy and bustle of Spring Festival



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