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2022-02-09 11:10:02



Today, only my mother-in-law and I are at home. My mother-in-law just got out of hospital after the operation. She needs to rest. I decided to cook noodles for my mother-in-law. But my mother-in-law was very opposed, afraid that I would be scalded. After I asked again and again, and said that we must be careful, she reluctantly agreed.


I was overjoyed to come to the kitchen and start my work. I poured some water into the pot first. When the water was about to boil, I beat two eggs into the pot. In a short time, the egg is cooked and congealed into a piece. The white and tender egg white is full of golden yolk, which makes people have appetite at a glance. I scooped the eggs into the bowl. Then he took out the noodles and slowly put them into the pot. The noodles slid into the water like loach. The water keeps bubbling like countless little fish. It"s really interesting. The noodles are getting softer and yellower, and there are more and more bubbles. I use chopsticks to stir them in the noodles from time to time. I tasted one and it was raw. In my spare time, I poured a little sesame oil, some vinegar and soybean oil, a little pepper powder, salt, sugar and monosodium glutamate into the bowl, and cut some garlic and onion into the bowl. I tasted another one, soft and ripe, so I fished the noodles into the bowl and scooped some water.


My mother-in-law was very happy when I brought the noodles. As she ate noodles, she praised me for my ability, and tears rolled around her eyes. Looking at Grandma"s expression, my nose is sour and my heart is hot. I feel the sense of achievement of labor and feel very happy! A feeling of happiness arises spontaneously!


Originally, happiness is so natural, so simple!



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