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2023-02-03 05:47:02




Autumn in September, osmanthus fragrance, and ushered in a teachers' day. As grade six of us, this is the last time for primary school teachers to celebrate teachers' day, the students change the old way of gifts, send greeting CARDS to celebrate, brewing to the teacher have a memorable teachers' day.

The 9th in the afternoon at the end of school, the students the teacher came into the classroom, please. When the teacher pushed open the door, I saw the students holding the red candle burning, the red candle is not straight is a symbol of obscurity, burns oneself, illuminates us, gives us boundless knowledge and power of selfless dedication of a teacher? When the teacher on the platform, the classmates to the teacher on the pink carnations, delicate and charming carnations have not only represents our great respect and admiration for the teacher, but also thanks to the teacher care of a mother's love for us. At ordinary times, the teacher is hard gardener, nurture our these flowers in the garden, and in our hearts, the teacher is a beautiful carnation, the cluster around the carnations all over the sky star is our, the teacher is in our heart forever blooming flowers. The teacher with flowers, is permeated with a happy smile on his face.

Then the chorus singing the praise of the class the teacher's "after be brought up, I became you" this song. "After be brought up, I became you, then they knew that the classroom, let is hope, keep the nest always you; then they knew that the blackboard, write the truth, wipe away the utilitarian; then they knew that the chalk and draw the rainbow, falling tears; didn't know the podium, lift is others, dedication is my..." Song ripples in the classroom. In the end, the students shouted: "teacher, you were laborious! I wish you a happy teachers' day!" Teacher's eyes shed tears of excitement, teachers understand the children have grown up, sensible it...

This is teachers' day will never forget the teacher, and we will never forget, because this teachers' day, we really understand the essence of "teacher", and truly understand the meaning of "teacher" -- the engineer of the human soul.






Teachers' day is coming, the teachers' day and past several times is different, school leaders should let our students to the teacher.

Receiving the news came out, the whole class 36 students excited for a long time. People chirp is discussed, some said: "our math teacher is very responsible, give her a prize for the most careful!" Some students say again: "the English teacher is very amiable, give her a prize for the most amiable!" Time and a few students stood up and shouted: "song teacher, the most stringent! Give her a prize for the most serious!" ...... In heated discussion, I have already had an idea, I want to give the award to our English teacher - Cindia teacher. I quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote on the card: "congratulations to you, dear teacher Cindia won the award for best teacher in the teacher's day!" After finished these, I again in paper space stick on many beautiful sticker I treasure for a long time. In this way, a fine testimonials is completed. I am flattered to think, tomorrow must personally awarded to the teacher. I wish the teacher happy teachers' day!






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