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2023-05-04 03:58:09




Olympic MEDALS table, believe that every time the attention of the people. We rank "got a few gold medal", "", these are our most attention in the past. But in this year's Olympic Games in Rio, we seem to see the different from the past. People for the attention of the athletes' sportsmanship began to transcend the attention to gold.

"The Olympic charter," said, "everyone should enjoy the possibility of engaged in sports, and not subject to any form of discrimination, and reflect the mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair competition of the Olympic spirit". Determines the Olympic spirit, Olympic Games should not be constrained by the number of MEDALS. As a big country, our country need this kind of style, also to achieve self-transcendence. This also means that our country sports system, and the public sports concept, all need to face the huge transformation. And this transition that China will be entering the sports power from sports powers. And sports power, nature should have a concept of Olympic health sports power, that is just to enjoy the pleasure of sports of the Olympic Games.

The real spirit of the Olympic Games is participation, solidarity and fair competition. Gold is to encourage people to continuously surpass ourselves, break through the limit. The "Olympic Games first gold" also contains too many accidental factors, such as the Chinese won the first Olympic gold for many times, often benefit from the Olympic Games will be the first day of shooting, swimming, etc in the Olympic Games, and just these projects is one of China's strength. Dialectical thinking, if China's weak project ranks high in the Olympic Games, "the Olympic Games first gold" for our country, there is no claim.

Excessive emphasis on gold MEDALS of time has passed, for americans, the true colors of the Olympic Games is to restore it, and enjoy competitive joy, use to smile sports self-confidence and mature mentality change.









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