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2023-05-04 04:09:06




Sunday afternoon, the weather is very sunny, we test at the appointed place. Neal plane smoothly fly in the sky, and high and stable hover fly, happy neal jumped down, clap. But, I? A fly came a three hundred and sixty - degree rotation, and then a plane crash "" she fell headlong. My period gas pursed mouth, full of unhappy.

He saw me like that, busy ran over to comfort me, "don't worry, let's piece is the cause of the failure to find." Then the two of us over and over carefully check up the plane. "oh! It is two side wing is long, short. So he put into force one." Ok. "He said," to the test again. "

The second test flight began. "Start!" The two planes fly the blue sky at the same time. We was very happy! Around us a high and thick number of poplar at us slightly nod, as if also flight in congratulations on our success!






Sunday afternoon, the weather is very sunny, we test at the appointed place. Neal plane smoothly fly in the sky, and high and stable hover fly, happy neal jumped down, clap. But, I? A fly came a three hundred and sixty - degree rotation, and then a plane crash "" she fell headlong. My period gas pursed mouth, full of unhappy.

He saw me like that, busy ran over to comfort me, "don't worry, let's piece is the cause of the failure to find." Then the two of us over and over carefully check up the plane. "oh! It is two side wing is long, short. So he put into force one." Ok. "He said," to the test again. "

The second test flight began. "Start!" The two planes fly the blue sky at the same time. We was very happy! Around us a high and thick number of poplar at us slightly nod, as if also flight in congratulations on our success!

It is one thing that makes me feel interesting and unforgettable things!

A funny thing 400 - word composition iv: a funny thing

Last Sunday, I finished writing homework at home, bored, why, how to become so clean? Oh, it was mom played cleaning, the clean. I walked over and said to his mother: "mom, let's brain teasers!" My mother said to me: "ok!"

"Guessing game, now." I said. First of all, I asked, mom answers. Got 99 in my first say: "small strong, why dad also called jack Bauer?" Mother wanted to think, said: "JiuJiuBaShiYi, jack Bauer actually only got 81 points." I said: "wrong, announced the answer: he Chinese got 50 points, math exam 49 points, add up to 99 points!" My voice just fell, mother will laugh.

The second round, or my mother, I said: "small strong long most like?" The mother wanted to think, said to me: "like like mother or father." I steal to smile, said: "all right, announced the answer: jack Bauer most like cockroaches in the mirror." My mother and I laugh immediately.

The third round, mom I, mother said: "there's a couple, married for ten years, why didn't they gave birth to a child?" I wanted to think, say: "because they are a pair of children." Hey, I was smart, mother said that I am right, I'm still dancing excitedly. Mother see me so happy, laughing happily.

The fourth round, my mother, I said: "xiao Ming's grandpa why to brush your teeth while singing?" His mother said without hesitation: "because he wearing dentures. I said to mother: "mom, how are you smart ah, right." We all laugh.

After the guessing game, I would like to: mom usually work so hard, there is so much misery, I give mother some burden is should, let mother happy happy. My heart warm.
















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