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2023-05-06 02:32:02




I have a childhood playmate, her name is little bin. She has a pair of beautiful big eyes, a black black head of hair in the sun, shining, I like her smile, her smile is like a naive child, beautiful and lovely.

Hide small bin, do you remember? At that time, we lived in a unit, but also live in a building, you lived upstairs, I live in the downstairs, almost every day you will come to see me go out to play. A little boy, I will also go out to play with you, but as time goes by, we are a mountain of homework and extra-curricular class living apart.

Remember once, it was winter, a good big of snow, you went downstairs to look for I go out to play, at that time, I have just finished the homework, he agreed without hesitation, you and I are all very happy. Let's go to the lawn of the garden, the lawn became Snow White, very beautiful! We write in the snow, but also left the footprints of many, many, crisscross. We are lying on the snow posing a variety of photographic, lying in the snow, do reading in the snow. That day, we play in the dark, night is very beautiful! At the time, every household is red, the there are many beautiful fireworks in the sky. That day is my most happy day.

On another occasion, we went to ride a bike, in a corner, I accidentally injured, leg is broken, is still a lot of blood. You immediately ran home, took the medicine and bandages, give me a wound. That day is my most moved one day.

All these things you remember? Now, you move, I hope our friendship never to "move", I hope we never forget the wonderful memories.










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