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2023-05-15 04:23:04


导语:中国,一个诉不尽故事的名字,一个让每个华夏子女感到骄傲的名字,一个挥挥洒洒书写豪气冲天的名字。! 下面是小编为大家整理了国庆节的英语日记。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Although I have been to Beijing, but I don't know what kind of old Beijing is also never heard of HuiAn pavilion this name, "city" as the book took me into the Beijing of the past.

Started reading "the city", only feel the hero eiko is an ordinary little girl living in old Beijing, but since met HuiAn pavilion "nuts" - xiu zhen, also slowly found xiu zhen mouth said of his missing daughter small the laurel blossoms filled the air. And his childhood friend girl is the same person. Is the most let me sad but on a dark night, xiu zhen mother and daughter on a husky and to find the girl's father, when I was immersed in the happiness show character mother and daughter to get together, but the end of the story and I opened a joke, I don't believe also dare to believe xiu zhen mother and daughter were killed by the train, mother also told me that this is true, see here I am very sorry, can't help but felt sorry for their miserable fate of mother and daughter, why didn't the train can let a family reunion? Why should all the fault of let this little girl find father bear? Girl haven't enjoyed the parents' love, god not fair to the girl, let me mind...

Close your books, as if eiko right in front of me, she want to tell me: cherish the good times now! To live with their parents happy every day, how happy ah!



一大清早,我们便到了学校,在学校里,同学们有的出黑板报、画画;有的做贺卡、开主题班会;还有的通过日记、诗歌等形式纷纷表达对祖国妈妈的爱。国庆长假,同学们跟爸爸妈妈一起走出家门,游览名胜古迹,领略祖国的.伟大文化。商店的门口悬挂着气球和彩旗,有红的、有黄的、有绿的 洋溢着喜庆的气氛。里面人声鼎沸,原来都在打折、开展系列促销活动。街上人山人海,就连坐车买票也要排着长长的队伍,打的也要等好长时间。风景区的游人有如长龙,不计其数,男女老少尽在其中,人们都趁着节日出来游玩。停车场几乎没有空位子,饭店,宾馆的收入一定十分可观。






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