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2023-05-17 03:54:08




Fellow teachers, the classmate of everyone! I'm six years class 2 XXX, the topic of my speech today is "Thanksgiving teacher".

Flowers know no earth, no it is gorgeous, so after it was send flowers back to the earth, and it knows Thanksgiving. Wait until next year, to send flowers to the nutrient to the earth, the earth also know gratitude. You, I know Thanksgiving?

I'm grateful to my teacher. I don't know what is time of flowering, we slowly to go to school age. We'll never forget that the first time in life, how happy and happy. Turned out to be a teacher affable smile, gentle words like gay notes played wonderful music, let us crazy. In this way, the teacher planted the happy fire in our hearts, campus always rang our crisp, bright sound. That is how a kind of happiness! So, we all felt happy because the teacher's love. The teacher put all the hope on us. When we feel the charm of knowledge, their hands: the classmates, don't forget to forge ahead; When we fail in learning, they are encouraging: success start from here. When we are sad, they in comfort: the classmates cheer up! How many unforgettable day! Are you - a glorious people's teacher, let's learn how to face the difficulty, how to feel the life, how to treasure the happiness, how to self development. You not only with our swimming in the ocean of knowledge, more important is taught us to learn to thank others. The dribs and drabs, one touching scene adorn the our life beautiful, also engraved on our memory consolidation.

So, as long as have a sincere heart, a grateful heart, life will be better in our gratitude!

My speech to this end, thank you for listening!




我要感恩我的老师。不知是哪个花开的时刻,我们慢慢地到了上学的年龄。我们永远忘不了那人生的第一次,是多么地高兴、快乐。原来是老师和蔼的微笑,温和的话语就像快活的音符一样奏出美妙的乐章,让我们如痴如醉。 就这样,老师在我们心里播下了快乐的火种,校园里时时响着我们清脆、明亮的声音。那是怎样的一种幸福啊!于是,我们感受到的`一切欢乐因老师的爱而起。老师把所有的希望寄托在我们身上。当我们感受到知识的魅力时,他们在叮咛:同学们,别忘了奋进呀;当我们在学习上失败时,他们在鼓励:成功是从这里起步的;当我们悲伤时,他们在安慰:同学们振作起来呀!多少个难忘的日子呀!是您——光荣的人民教师,让我们学会如何面对困难,如何感受生活,如何珍惜幸福,如何自我发展。您不仅带着我们在知识的海洋里遨游,更重要的是教会了我们要学着去感恩别人。这其中的点点滴滴,一个个动人的情景把我们的生活点缀得精彩美丽,也把我们的记忆巩固得刻骨铭心。






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