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2023-05-17 07:10:05




Diego, the lonely, failure, but also has successful people excited and strong will to the old man went into the sea. There is no doubt that it will be two of the world meet and fight. A lonely broken, and have their own unique temperament and spirit of aging life of the world, was in contact with the nature of the planet's most ferocious shocking than force. The moon and stars and the boundless sea, the composition of the grand bright space to compete.

Sandia elder brother loves the sea. As a result, he will always as a goddess of the sea. In his mind, the ocean is kind and pretty. But, on the other hand, he knows that the brutality of the sea. So, I think, he will be as a goddess of the sea, there are other more coherent, that is, his conquest of the sea men generally desire. He and the sea, and the big marlin and the shark dogfight, it is the manifestation of the conquest. With or without merit, he insist on fishing, not only because he wants to live on fishing, but fishing has become part of his life, his, a kind of image. The end of a fishing, he caught a big fish, but, on the way back to Hong Kong, he, met a shark attack, he decided to pick up the harpoon defended his fish. Admittedly, in the end that big fish shark ate up, only white skeleton. However, the old fisherman such never-say-die spirit, is I should study, is worth us thinking together. And we hand no calluses, the skin without drying out freckles, met, blow a cold wind over the summer at home every day to go home have a hot meal on the table...

Sea of sandia elder brother once again highlight his loneliness, temperament and luck of failure, but never yielding. As if his life, have got the best performance in the hunt. He said to himself in the sea, a face of stubborn, experiencing deep helplessness and lonely...

He is not alone...









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