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2023-06-02 06:04:09




This summer vacation I read the old man and the sea, this book is "beauty" at the same time full of fishermen and moving between children and emotion, this book is not fantasy, also not so old, is full of color.

The old man and the sea tells of an old fisherman and the story of a boy, all the characters in the book and background makes me want to read on, pressing their dialogue let me feel a kind of warmth, and the old man to the child's care. But there is great strength, although the old man is old fishing when those suffering journey makes me feel very magical, an old man can and shark confrontation, and waited four days caught a big fish, although finally that big fish skeleton left, but the selling money is enough to feed myself a month. He tells the story of his previous experience to the boy, he and three times stronger than him in the bar of black arm-wrestling, break the whole day night, referees constantly change, until the last when you say, he won the black, everyone was surprised.

Reflect the "the old man and the sea" this book, the power and glory of the old man when young, he can now again on the fishing boats to catch fish, how proud, in his story, exciting, surprised and curious,, affects his descendants, also affects the reading a book, read the book but also a higher level, let me after the composition has a maximum value of ascension.







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