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2023-05-18 04:57:01




Ever since I was young, I very like the Mid-Autumn festival, because once in the Mid-Autumn festival, the home is very lively, relatives together, each other happy to eat the delicious moon cakes and enjoy the full moon in the night sky. A few weeks before the Mid-Autumn festival this year, I began to look forward to the arrival of the Mid-Autumn festival, in addition to like to live a Mid-Autumn festival, also see a message like this: on the news this year than ever before, is the largest and most round the moon. So, I can't wait to get the Mid-Autumn festival.

And finally to the Mid-Autumn festival, but mother said this year Mid-Autumn festival does not go home, because I now is in the third, the Mid-Autumn festival in the school class as usual. Then, one dad with several packets of moon cake to go home to visit relatives, mother, brother and I will stay here over the Mid-Autumn festival. This makes me a day are not happy, but the Mid-Autumn festival went under a light rain in the afternoon, the sky seems to be as unhappy as my mood, spray to the earth tears, pieces of black, dark clouds float in the sky.

Even if they know the night sky will also have a dark clouds, the moon can't appear in the sky, but oneself still pray unceasingly, stubborn think god will be moved by his sincerity, and then the dark clouds away, let the round and bright moon in the dark night sky. But, after all, what they are looking forward to the moon did not appear in their own field of vision.

Wood the anakims; to eat the coveted pieces of moon cakes, without any feeling of joy. That's what I was looking forward to the Mid-Autumn festival? No moon, no father, no maternal grandparents, no aunt and uncle, or only just the moon cake, mother, brother.

Ate the moon cake, mother will see the Mid-Autumn evening party, my brother is playing computer, unusually quiet in the home, even if mother constantly asked by watching them don't eat some fruit or a cold drink, we also can feel at home is very quiet.

So I came to the balcony looking, not far from the "Asia's tallest fountain are constantly dance music, dancing without thought, seems to want to fly to the moon after the hidden in the dark clouds, but in vain, dark clouds is too thick, fountain cannot wear out of it. Fountain after the bridge on both sides of the pole, were filled with pedestrians, less old, seems to see a youngest son came to see.

Looking up at the sky, a melancholy, a lonely. Tonight no month, a full moon tonight reunion is difficult to gather.

Song lyrics and linger in my ears, "the moon there? How long will the wine to ask blue sky. I don't know in the imperial palace in the sky, what day is what year. I want to ride home, and fear a fabulously rich residence, lonely at the top. Dancing figure out, what on earth! Turn Zhu Ge, low yee, sleepless. Should not have hate, what is round to long? People have sensitized, month, waxing, rain or shine all the ancient hard. I wish people for a long time, long life."













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