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2023-05-18 04:55:09




Autumn, is a high wind cool season, autumn is a harvest, the season, of course, is also a beautiful season. The sky is the most beautiful in autumn. In the morning, the sky was silent, color as blue as the sea, one blue, such as washing, this just "wake up" the sun, rises from the east, the light from the sun is not too strong, according to the people, let a person feel very warm. At noon the sun is very fierce, like a uncle angry, according to a person especially geothermal, but there are some birds in the air in fly freely, from time to time "chirping and twittering" sound, as if to say: "good good hot, so hot so hot!" Work in the afternoon, the sun has weakened a lot of, without too much under the irradiation of the sunlight, people can vaguely see the cloud in the sky, some like a rabbit in eating, some like a leopard in running, and like a dragon in the take-off... Although the sun shot eyes, see not clear, but can see, already very satisfied!

Time in the evening, the sun is not as bright as noon, blue day like a drunk, became a faint red, the sun gradually take off the orange jacket, put on a red, red all around, it slowly back into the arms of west mountain, light faint, like dying in the match. It went down, leaving a piece of hongxia, like a fairy clothes fell from the sky, around very quiet. People are bathed in sunlight, is so comfortable! Night, dark sky, like the jade emperor write accidentally tipped over the cartridge, sky sparkling with countless stars, like the eye of heaven, big, round moon light up the dark night, lit up the naughty children home, like the night lights. And I, lying in my arms, listen to my grandfather told stories about the moon...

I love autumn, love it enrage bright windy weather, love the sky it varied.








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