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2023-05-19 03:55:03


导语:贫穷时不忘家乡,富有时故土难舍.脚下良田千万亩,只爱家乡一寸土。 下面是小编为大家整理的,我的家乡英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Speaking of my hometown officer Lin, it is not famous town, but also has a charming scenery

Hometown spring up dressed in full YanZhuang. You look! The branches have been slightly out of cyan, a string of rhododendrons, purples, blue-greens, outside the window began to hear birds chirp, is that the bird is singing the songs of spring! Under a after the rain, in my hometown in the rural, unripe brightness, all things beautiful. The sun, the hometown of stream was more limpid, ripple, with a golden light. Spring home appear vibrant, energetic.

Summer home is covered with light green qiao summer gown. Early in the morning, busy honey bees. In the afternoon, cicadas in the trees of nights. At night, the cricket on the grass singing. Home has a pond, lotus was flourishing, dragonflies flying, is really "xiao-he only expenses furore, had" dragonfly stand above the hometown of the children in the lotus pond heartily enjoy joy: swimming, fishing, catching shrimp, lotus root.

Home town of autumn wore a gold red solemn evening dress. In the home country, there is the red fruits. The leaves on both sides of the street,, falling rustling, issued a "rustling" sound, hometown of autumn is the season of maturity, is the harvest season, is a full season, it was the season of planting.

Hometown changed into a plain white robe. Winter in my hometown on the streets of the town is full of snow, also was frozen on the telegraph pole. Snow, the snow like catkin, falling down like a photo, so beautiful. The snow has stopped, the roof of the village, fence, wooden shack, covered with a layer of snow everywhere. It's really a beautiful snow scene.

A year the four seasons have different characteristics of hometown. My hometown although there is no how beautiful scenery, but in my eyes, my hometown scenery is the most beautiful forever!











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