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2023-05-20 06:52:07


导语:窗外的雪,不停地落在我的纸上,我突然感到了生命的虚度。春花秋月,没有使我止步,这场雪却使我迷路了。我相信,天使的羽翼就隐在雪中,用科学的显微镜只能探到一片虚无,今天小编为大家整理了:初雪英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


The long winter, the wind for a long time. In this this barren season, but also a lot of lonely and sad.

The next morning, the day the stupefied give some light. I open my bleary, yawned, as if had a hunch that seems to smell the fragrance of the snow. So a good mood, I wash up quickly, can't wait to get out of the door. Crept out the door and put head held up. Through that light, with one eye, look at the world outside. Was a vast expanse of whiteness as PianPianRan didn't know so. So I was more than I could bear the excited mood, forcibly pushed open the door, "shout" 1, accompanied by flowers in the wind, the snow came to me. I immediately with open arms, dian ran, ran to the yearning already a long time of snow and ice world. Looking at the pieces of yearning for a long time of ice and snow. Looking at the pieces; Snow falls on the shoulder, and I think, this is the first time this year in the winter and I cordial greetings.

Standing in the snow, snow has over the feet, gently take two steps, "isalso" sounds melodious music at your feet. Bend down to, can't help but pick up a snowflake, quietly feel cool and refreshing feeling they slip through your fingers. I opened the palm of your hand, like a fragrance warm current flows through the heart, is moved, is love, love is heavy in it.

Think carefully, and if they also often have like snowflakes calm state of mind? Even if flying, also want to ground lightly; Even if life, also want to elapse stealthily. How many love hate feeling sorrow in life, Maya angelou? Failure and frustration, success and joy. If can do like snowflakes, have a calm state of mind, not impetuous, not make public. Even more quiet life, in the short life, it still can use dance to describe the course of life. It is to let people know its color, its posture, its expression, its ideal and persistent.

New challenge is coming, I think I should also keep the mentality, like snowflakes positive smiles to the difficulties and setbacks. Believe, someday, such beautiful scenery will belong to me; Such joy, also will still exist in the winter.










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