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2023-05-20 06:55:08


导语:早春二月的雪,虽然她的生命短暂,年华易逝,但她如一位善解人意的天使,以她的圣洁与纯真,无声无息,自由自在地与柔情翩翩起舞,共舞缤纷的相思。今天小编为大家整理了:初雪英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


One winter morning, I still carry a schoolbag go to school as usual. Just pushed open the door, oh, it's snowing, the first snow of winter. On the streets, a piece of white, the sky is still under constant...

Walking in the street watching shuttle car trips in the falling snow, everything in the mimang; See coasters Mercedes is in a daze, the interval distance between the mist bring bring is unclear. Catch up the palm of a piece of snow, I see it is hexagonal; Moment, he turned into a small water droplets, not to let me see it.

The snow was falling, the greater the campus at this time, the former lawn, the bed had been white snow was built. To come to school earlier than I to a few students are sweeping the sidewalk passion...

The two people who is it? Are braved the storm to practice running, see size is eight years of XX and XX. They come to school early every day must run laps. See today this posture, like the mythical mountain day, walking, say they play play snow ice, snow flew in the air, is a fusion of three-dimensional painting. Have a poem to prove:

Foot snow is like clouds, fly flying feet deep.

Snow lay picture do pen, mo chongcai youth to write.

Who is that solo in the snow? Ah! It was a summer transfer from hainan girl in Montenegro. Look at its appearance was intoxicated by northern snow; She narrowed his eyes with open arms, greedily staring at the sky and fall of snow. The naughty snow! Also called kiss child on the cheek with a partner; Girl that banana republic yellow scarf earlier hung with glittering and translucent snowflake. Like Santa Claus walking under the bodhi tree, how wrinkled chin shell covered with the white beard! I couldn't help but shouted 1: "Santa Claus has come." Of students present are looking toward her, shen subconscious really was with the appearance of Santa Claus, raised his arm, palm facing down, face about our teacher often said: "the classmates, to learning. Hard! The road to success under their feet......"

A snow good harvest. Please offer us this winter's first snow of the new school year are required to take a good one million head. Make staggered falling snowflakes to weave the students much to dream!













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