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2023-05-21 05:30:02




When reading the book "ordinary world", I will be a heavy heart, even if just saw a joke; Even if just away in the computer; Even if only with relatives in the states we have; Even if just running in the field; Even if.........

But, when my mood very morning bell; Every time I almost gave up the expectations of his characters; Every time when I am going to closed book. Has a bright spot in attracted me, I immediately forgotten just tired; Just angry; Just disappointed. He's the bright spot, sun shaoping. He has a mind of your own, also have their own opinions on any matter that is not the kind of person who allegedly, he is good at dissolve hatred, is good at forget hatred. Look, he forget hao hongmei through trauma for him, stood up, with the little money saved her; Look, with a warm heart, Kim and bamboo slips of the hatred, it put the gold QiuSuo, "refined" fusion. Help Jin Guangliang son write a composition, but also obligations to make up a missed lesson, I was attracted by this powerful personality power.

I appreciate more in another feature of sun shaoping, can comprehend others' advantages, and to learn it. He first thought hao hongmei through the reason with regard to raise the people good, because they are rich, and look down on yourself.

Later, he found that he was wrong, because, in "iron man", sun shaoping jinbo after he was wounded, and tolerance to swallow the bitter in his stomach, sun shaoping disillusion. Gu personality charm attracted him of infected with him, touched him. He thus to gu keep people have more respect, not because he is our monitor.

Come to find the good in others, appreciate the benefits of others, oneself is an exceptional man.

In addition, his generous spirit of "good for bad", deeply moved me. The first and second thing, I will not say, have talked about before. This one thing, just put my inner conscience, awakened; I also learned to treat any person with the same vision.

In a big water, crippled woman HouYuYing nearly died, sun shaoping, right, is the sun shaoping, don't bear grudges her hurt him with hao hongmei through that, to save people, such as fire fighting mood, will she saved.

Could say - his personality, his this kind of high quality in today's society, are rare, and at the time the backward, poor s in the loess plateau. The spirit quality, therefore, he is like a bright light in the dark ages, take you into the light; And like a dazzling diamond in the barren land, is worth you to cherish; Like a mass of fresh air in the cloudy sky, make you relaxed and happy.

It can be said that this "ordinary world", is in shaping the sun shaoping, and this person is "ordinary world" a shining point, is also at the time of the backward of ordinary people a "capital".














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