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2023-05-22 04:09:01




Winter grandpa meet the autumn girl, in a hurry came to our side, it brings a, cold wind brought the scene of a dead branches condensation cold let feel the winter is coming!

Rose up in the morning, all over the sky of fog. Milky white fog hung over the earth, a piece of white everywhere. Walk on the road, a few steps outside can't see figure; Looked from the thick fog, in front of buildings, trees can only faintly visible. Fog, heard the voice of the car can't see figure, lights, like eyes, one with a twinkle.

Winter brings coolness around every corner, sunny, no wind day dry and dry and cold. Bare trees stand on both sides of the riverside road, wretched, once vibrant grass also finally support not to live, and yellow. On the grass floret also fell asleep. The north wind is blowing in the wind, the young trees struggling; Grass prostrate on the ground, as if afraid of the sudden wind.

In cold weather, also can see the strong winds. On the flag of the campus the front, flashing green. That's the rows of graceful cypress, in the cold winter, cypress as rich green vitality. In the riverside road, planted with many cycas. It is narrow small, slender blade in the bitter winter of the flashing green light, to the white winter green, adorn the winter.

Winter morning, but busy. The riverside park, the exercise of people everywhere. In the vastness of the mist, the figure is constantly shaking. Young people dress up as a player, each spirit. Running, jumping, vibrant, blood boiling. Walked out of the door, the elderly also radiant stretch hand, kick the leg on the lawn, also jump jump from time to time. As poor as young people don't see is the elderly, movement, tenacious fight bone-chilling cold. Again to the other side to see see, even at the age of seven or eight children followed the adults, exercise properly with ran panting, head of steam. Look, how rich vigor of winter!










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