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2023-05-23 04:26:01




For students, the exam is the norm. Take an examination of well never mind, this is just a stage performance, before you are gone. But some students in order to get good grades and take some bad means, even cheating.

In my class have relevant examples. Once, English teacher let us write essay back home yesterday, a classmate back not to come out, just write the essay in a note book, sandwiched between two feet, finally discovered by the teacher, we all thought it is a shameful act. On the contrary, we appreciate another classmate. The students in spite of the bad learning, but he never cheat, very honest. Cheating while can bring a good result, and the students may find helpful to himself, but in the wrong. If you cheat, you only know the answer, but will not do. One thousand, in a way, the same topic, what would you do? May now be smug, glad his wits classmate, listen up, this is actually hurt yourself! Also, one thousand others answer is wrong? One thousand as soon as you receive the right? Want to cheat, you think so, stop! Moreover, cheating is a risk. By the teacher found that light 1000 words of inspection, or let you take a few days. In the big test or game, cheating is not advisable. This is a quality problem. For the first time, the teacher can forgive; But the second is hard to say; The third is still worse. This is something precious - took others scores and knowledge. Said very ugly, is stolen, it is stealing!

Don't cheat, also want to prevent people stealing your answer. As soon as the best way is issued by the examination paper, folded in half, don't erect or after finish out the papers.

Please stop cheating in examinations, advocating honesty!









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