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2023-05-23 04:54:10




The world in the development of the rapid change, the rapid development of science and technology rapidly, continuously in the historical civilization to refresh, the great scale of breakthrough. After come, the world's development and prosperity without the human learning spirit and competitive consciousness.

90 after generation, we are happy because we grow motherland is prosperous; We are fortunate generation after 90, because we are entering an era of competition atmosphere thick; Study lead the human progress and competition consciousness, promoting the development of the world. A content with now, is not destined to he who knows the competition was eliminated by the society; A stuck in the past, no innovation ability of country and will be left in the world.

As an after 90, we are the creator of the future better world and owners, more should study hard, dare to compete. The 21st century is full of challenge and competition, to adjust to this century, received the recognition from the society. Us 90 afternoon the master of the future, we are all the same bright star in the sky, want to be more bright, the only constant energy, have the courage to compete in the study. Competition means new and breakthrough, the mean energy, means development. Dare to competition, we must be able to create a better future! She won the first prize in the national aerobics ningxia division, won the first prize in "national youth civilization etiquette popularization activity, the 13th" national top ten young pioneers "she with own strength, in the" future star "ningxia oral English contest, won the special award, 06 years she won CCTV" baby hope English show "ningxia conference" award for best baby "in October the same year she won the national English talent selection of bronze, 07 years won the finals CCTV" hope that the baby show "year" hope the baby award ", in the same year, in June by CCTV "star of hope" English talent competition division primary sections in ningxia third prize, the honor belongs to a person at the same time, weird, but it also shows that: as a 90 after we are in a great era of rapid development of the motherland, it is our time of growth for the social elite, so, we must constantly enrich oneself shouldering the important historical responsibility of rich Chinese in the future!








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