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2023-05-25 06:27:07




A few days ago, I saw a news on TV news: an 11-year-old boy, his mother gave him a slap in front of the class, so he ran away from home, after the event, when the mechanism to interview the mother, the mother said: you go first, I won't be free take reason you, I also want to find my son... After reporters repeatedly under the advice of the finally interview during the interview, the current eyes always, erratic. Her words and deeds are all in order to find son, always go to the lens in front of his son's photo

See here, I have tears, my heart has been angry. Now in order to find son can kneel to others, and the son is because a slap. And abandoned his mother. Don't read how mother raised himself yes pain, don't want to, do not want to mother October be pregnant mothers give us life determination. When I was a child, now worry that what we eat and drink, for example, grew up, mother worry for our learning, adult mother and for the sake of our cause, the little in return, silently pay most for us.

Parents give us life, want to let us become one of the dragons and phoenixes, and we are so disappointing. We also compare, even the parents hard-earned money to squander the youth. Why do we always think: my dad is not li ka-shing, why my family is so poor, but, you don't think your parents have no ability to give you that kind of life, parents also thinking: why my child is not the school first, why does my child always trouble. We need to thought. Parents is not easy for us, but we are so hurt them. Think about it, when we learn in school, parents doing? When we eat our favorite snacks, is that parents might not have to have a meal, when we are in the shopping, when to buy their beloved gift, want to never thought this is parents with sweat in exchange for the money and easily by us in return.

Parents love is too deep for us, and we are concern for parents too little.

If use a word to express my love for parents, I would say: dad, mom, you were laborious.

Because their parents did not require material rewards, what they need is a word we do children really:

Dad! Mom! I love you...

With a begging eyes, beg for your own son. Even kneel to the audience.













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