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2023-05-26 02:40:04




Everyone should protect the environment, this is the law of nature, if not protect the environment, the world will be contaminated.

To protect the environment from every bit of small start, and I have not done well. Have a New Year, we went to shun feng mountain park, riding a bicycle, we were hungry, we bought a small bag of snacks to eat, while I, eat snacks, I happy too much because it is over, so casually took me to once eat 7 packet snacks packaging thrown on the ground, and then I went in a convenience store in watching TV, while today's TV is very good-looking, half an hour later, I put the mother with all I said before, all my thoughts are indulged in the drama. After 30 minutes, I didn't think of it, but, at that time, his mother angry of say: "you this smelly wenches, didn't I tell you before to protect the environment, you forget?" I said: "I'm not forget, I just from watching TV." Mother said: "some important watching TV, or picking up litter some important?" I said: "rubbish." Mother said: "you hurry up to pick up."

And then, I picked up a small pile of junk, throw in the trash, I apologized to his mother not only, I also to shun feng mountain park, sweep the floor every aunt to recognize the fault. Because, if everyone throw a piece of garbage on the ground, and then will add burden to clean the aunt. If you see a piece of garbage on the ground, then you are curved waist, and activities, do a man to protect the environment, is to clean the aunt to reduce burden...

, although it has been over the past year, I learned about it, if the world all throw a piece of garbage on the ground, the whole earth will become a waste, so each of us should protect the environment, protect the earth, the world will be more beautiful!









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