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2023-05-26 07:16:01




Skyfire spicy, I'm still on the concrete work, his mouth constantly nagging. Because sun valley today, dad is not at home, I had to undertake this task. I took pushing rake, broom in the cement work on site.

I put down my broom with a rake push out in the mountains of millet to the air. Just began to work, I feel very relaxed. But, not how long, I feel hard up, pushing rake is getting heavier and heavier. So, I had a rest. And, then I got to work. I pushed millet away first, then push the millet into a ridge of a ridge. After these work, I find a place to sit down. In a few minutes, my eyes slowly closed. I was asleep.

I wake up, see the millet tan about, I stood up, picked up the tools in the. The one I put a plow of millet, it took me a lot of time. Then I pushed the corn into a ditch, ditch. So under the original millet to turn up, and can increase the sun valley area, corn drying up and easy to dry.

Some work finished this, I feel very happy. Then, I took to carry the books to see. At the same time, my eyes also from time to time millet, don't let the chicken to eat millet.

Work through this time, I not only took part in sun valley, also exercise the body, and share the responsibility for the parents. I think thinking is more happy.







Faced with the responsibility of life, a lot of responsibility to I learn to strong, no longer escape, sometimes really grow up is also a kind of responsibility! It's only three short stories, in our life, you, me or she would have occurred or had moved a lot of, some will make us happy, some will make us cry, but no matter how we, life still need to continue. Respect and self-esteem and believe in miracles and bear the responsibility, this is the power for life to continue, also make us more perfect conditions. Even if the life can't be plain sailing. Tide and the tide, when our life rich, the rules of our inner will naturally improve, material satisfaction, spirit will also seek to meet. Objectively speaking, when we do not have enough to eat wear not warm, the first thing we will only consider how to meet the needs of material, which is how to survive.

Only when our survival is no longer a problem, which is what we need things can be met, we naturally want to improve myself to a higher level, to truly reflect their own value, so, our life standard is raised, we will ask yourself a man worthy of conscience, we can go to help those who need help, we will ask yourself to do a dignified, contribute to human beings, even, we can do a want and ask yourself a fair death honors the whole life of man.

Poverty can be noble, rich version. After all, is to look at how we live, and how to live. Good can be worthy of the heart, the heart also can is worthy of the wicked.

Actually, eat satisfied wear warm, is worthy of the heart, should exist at the same time; And the rules of life is constantly changing. May you are very rich, yesterday you nothing today, tomorrow, treachery; Maybe so, you poor, yesterday you wealthy today, tomorrow or treachery; May your treachery yesterday; Today your conscience; Tomorrow is rich, have both; May also be yesterday you help others, you help others today, tomorrow self-sacrifice. May be... This world has too much. Living standards as a perfect curve, ups and downs with the ups and downs of life. It can perfectly match with our life curve, when our life is directly, we can live by the rule of the same hovered below; Similarly, when our life is directly, we can rule of life is in the peak, the two curves can be a perfect axisymmetric graphics. In addition, the criterion of life can also be a ratio what all straight line, can be a up ray, more can be a downward radiation.

Such is life, life criterion's life! In other words, criterion is one of life, is ourselves.









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