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2023-05-27 03:27:08




Jenny said, gump you don't understand love.

Forrest gump since the childhood didn't cry, Jane refused him, Papua dead, his mother died, forrest gump did not cry, but after Jenny dies, forrest gump standing in front of her tomb crying. Jenny I think forrest gump's favorite person, he can't remember a lot of things, but remember to Jenny's every word, he always as if Jenny, but Jenny in the die when I go back to the forrest gump.

Jane's life is poor, so she will arrive at the end of life, of forrest gump said: "we get married." She knew that forrest gump is the only one who can give her comfort. I think she is also a love of forrest gump, because even if she doesn't marry forrest gump, she know she only need a word, forrest gump will raise their sons.

Because of the childhood trauma and adult drug experience, Jenny lost the courage to live, she wandered the between love and not love, whether it's the beginning or the end, she chose to leave. If Jenny is a free bird, she would choose to stay right beside forrest gump. She prayed with forrest gump "almighty god, please let me into a free bird." Jenny dies when gump to see her, in her grave as forrest gump to leave, the birds fly on the tree. Gump back every time looking at, that's Jane with his farewell, Jane said with a smile: "I have to go."

Near the end of life you want to and a person sitting so quietly, silent let time goes by, and then on the shoulders of his sleep not to wake. At that moment, Jenny thought of forrest gump. When I was a child on the school bus, Jenny let forrest gump is to be seated by his side, their fate from now on. Whatever good bad, tightly wound together.

Jenny said, gump you don't understand love.

Forrest gump said, we get married.

Forrest gump really don't know what love is, he only know that he loves her to protect her. Forrest gump each defend Jenny, don't want to make her a little bit of injury.

Is Jenny don't understand, gump's love so deep, the feeling of that always love to her in the bone marrow, Jenny don't understand.

Mother said, you and others.

Forrest gump, unlike others, he more than anyone, to succeed, he put the gift of god to give him to an extreme. His back is always quite straight, meticulous to do things, don't beat around the bush. He never thinks he is stupid, don't like others say he is a fool, he always says, "stupid is as stupid." So he is smart, everything he does is right.

I like mom's words "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll be late." Momma always had a way of interpretation make gump understand.

Mom died before talking with gump's not cry, talk as usual. Because forrest know, mom know this day will come.

Experienced too much loss of forrest gump, forrest gump finally issued a request: "if there is no death."

If there is no death, Papua can see his wish finally achieved. If there is no death, his mother would see his grandson is so cute. If there is no death, Jenny and forrest gump will be very happy.

If there is no if, forrest gump will not in the final suppress back that sentence "don't strangers."

After so much, forrest gump finally realized his mother for persuasion, bubba died with banana trees blocking bleeding wound, Jenny to his feelings.

Forrest gump finally grown up, everything is not too late, Jenny gave him a very good gift.

Little forrest gump.























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