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2023-05-27 03:28:01




His silly, pure or lucky? For it is love, compassion, or envy? Maybe he is such a great experience, legendary americans -- Fraser gump.

Forrest gump's IQ is only 7.5, but his life for his IQ by default becomes exceptionally bright rise. He had no direction of running into the olive tree, by coach, became a football star. In order to own so comrades bubba's words; "We will go to the fishing ceased warfare." He raised money to buy a fishing boat, drifting in the sea every day, unexpectedly accidentally became rich, became famous.

So his luck, and his from no ripples face humor and deep into contrast, most of the time, he is only a kind of look in the eyes, callous but not indifferent, seem to have worry -- -- -- -- -- - simple and innocent heart. His eyes to everything. When black chief executive at him roar loud, when the inside of the school bus classmates one by one to take a field that he regards attention, when to take a stone he naughty child, he is done with the eye to face.

Face fiery orders, he is not silent replied, "is, Sir." People laughed at his silly, he said, "stupid is as stupid does." All response is quiet as if must each other, and unconsciously to a surprised, unexpectedly and gives birth to respect, admire his calm and his big heart.

Forrest gump life with children's thinking. President Johnson met Vietnam veterans forrest gump, he was awarded the medal of honor, the President joked; "Really want to see you ass a gunshot wound." Forrest gump hesitated, turning quickly, take off your trousers. His naive to let all the people present dole out of reach, as if returned to the child's age.

Although his IQ is not high, they laid the others said dare not go. His life was so plain and simple, perhaps this is his philosophy of life.










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