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2023-06-04 02:33:04




Life there are many "first time", I also have many "first time", but to my most memorable "first time", is the first time on a roller coaster.

That day, I'm ten years old, I went to happy valley with one of my uncle. We played many games inside, later, we came to the municipal committee of the famous roller coaster before a "snow dragon".

We went in, he decided to give it a try. At this time, my mood is both fear and excitement, and some can't wait. Hey, after all, is the first time on a roller coaster, or very exciting "snow dragon", of course mood complicated.

I sat on a seat, take a deep breath and listen to the sound of the radio, the roller coaster moved slowly, slowly climb upwards, I probe looked down, wow, so high! God, bless me! In that instant, a roller coaster suddenly rushed down, then the whole people hanging in the sky, he turned back, and I can't help Shouting up: mama! It's so exciting! Roller coaster from time to time to accelerate, a gust of wind blowing past me, blew off the fear, tension has been in my heart, I more and more bold, the cry of the mouth is becoming more and more weak, turned into a happy voice. Around constantly change, the roller coaster is also constantly changing "action", [diary Riji. JueJu. CN] about a few seconds later, a roller coaster trip over.

For the first time on a roller coaster makes me understand: everything is going to try, like on a roller coaster, although some dangerous, but exciting.







You tell me about my life, the most happy thing!

Remember, it was a sunny morning, my father said to me: "today we went to play with Carey!" I happily say: "good!" We eat breakfast, dad drove to the next department. To open a car Carey. We waited for 20 minutes to have a car. We are at the Carey, my father took me to eat dicos. I'm full, mom and dad went to eat casserole powder. Waiting for mom and dad eat, we are to play in the starry night. Dad bought ten yuan game currency. Dad and I went out to play ball, play zombie, racing cars, motorcycles, 3 d version of the king of fighters, fishing talent to choose a suitable text book when my father and I play 3 d version of the king of fighters, dad was I play your ass, were raw. When we play on a motorcycle, my father never more than me, always east bump, bump in the west. We choose a suitable text book we done game COINS, we'll go to the company's car, such as the next division, my father drove us go to grandma's house to see my grandma. We sat for a moment in my grandmother returned to majiang. In the majiang, we will go to my grandma's for dinner. The meal over, we went home.

Today, I was the most happy day, is also my most memorable day! I like to play in kaili, I later every day to play in the kaili.







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