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My favourite season英语作文

2023-06-12 04:30:15

My favourite season英语作文



Season of spring, how poetic! Ancient often praise spring verse: "spend for charming eye, can't water chestnut shallow grass." ", a spring brightness caged lmond wall." Thus it can be seen that the spring is the season of what a poetic!

Look! Spring has only just come in, everywhere can see a few strains of pale green grass dew in addition to small head; Rows of willow by the side of the road is not able to withstand the coming of spring, green has become the tree stem of "cosmetics", make the dead stem seems to shine; The flowers in the flower bed is not to be outdone, look! All kinds of flowers are for spring doo-yan, blossom, the Chinese rose, some bud, red face like a shy little girl, some open full, unable to restrain to the bees visit, they CaiCai this for a while, for a while and look at that one, unscrupulous choose their favorite flowers. Yi? Spring just to now, the how to have a few butterflies flying in the distance? I walked into a look, turned out to be a large iris! Thin flowers do support the heavy overhead "butterfly", hard to avoid weak, the breeze gently blows, shake it, to really like a few "butterfly" floating in the air!

In the spring! In this season full of hope and vitality, contains the infinite vitality, let us together, with open arms to embrace spring!!!! (wujiang



春天!在这个充满希望与生机的季节里,蕴含着无尽的活力,让我们一起张开双臂,去拥抱春天吧!( 吴江市


Some students like flowers, bloom in spring, some classmates like flowers in full bloom, the scorching sun of summer, some classmates like colorful autumn cold, university, and I do believe some schoolmates also like season is fruitful, fruits, autumn - autumn.

Autumn sister waving a magic wand in the hand, the colorful autumn dress up.

Golden autumn is a harvest season, look! On the other side of the orchard of apple is big and red, like a small lantern YiZhanZhan covered with branches. That yellow big pear bent the waist, and all the branches like a gourd as attractive. That these grapes on the grape also not to be outdone, like pearls, agate, let a person look after will be salivating.

Autumn is the harvest season, the fields of sorghum red, like a little girl did something wrong. The timid corn sister hid in the thousands of little house was heard outside, can't help but put his little head out. Soybean mother smile cracked lips, naughty beanie babies they rush to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery... Hundred million Long Gongmu - million Long Wenxue,

Autumn is the season of flowers, you see! Although many flowers have withered, Chinese rose still show a sweet smile, hardy resists the frost chrysanthemums is just open. Chrysanthemum flower peony, as though there is no wealth, nor as fragrant roses, but it is the symbol of autumn. Look! The yellow like gold, red like fire, white like snow, powder like xia chrysanthemum, blossom. That string also not to be outdone, dragged out red flowers, from a distance, like a ball of flames burning torches on the other side of the ginkgo tree leaves above the wind blows, as only butterflies dancing in the air.

Autumn, a symbol of the mature, you mean that harvest, you are the plants and trees concert a host. Autumn I love you ah, I praise you fall, you brought me endless joy, let my life is full of joy.







【My favourite season英语作文】



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