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2023-09-14 02:39:03




Competition makes people original and creative. It very necessary to compete if human society wants to advance. (Even animals compete for survival.) Without it, we would become lazy and nobody would rake any responsibility. When three monks live together, there will be no drinking water. This Chinese proverb vividly describes why China's productivity was so low before Mr Deng came to power. At that time, we had the so-called planned economy. There was no competition at all. So neither farmers nor workers worked hard. China was on the edge of collapse.

Competition can stimulate people to try their best to do anything. For example, in 100-meter race, each sportsman runs as quickly as possible, trying to win the champion. The same things happen in our society and in our daily life. If a company wants to surpass others, it must compete with them. It must raise its efficiency. All the companies doing this will no doubt benefit the whole society and the whole human race. Being a student, I must compete with other students in our studies. I must study hard in all the fields so that I can be a useful man when I enter the society after graduation.



Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we compete in our study, and we constantly compete for jobs, customers and profit, etc. We can say that competition is one of the motives of the development of society.


But we often find competition and cooperation go hand in hand. In a football game, one team is competing with the other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates. In most cases, we can't compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.


While we are advocating competition, we can't forget cooperation. Nothing can be carried to an extreme. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failure. Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.



Near my house, there lives a woman who is the same age with my mother. She has a daughter, we are at the same age, the coincidence is that we go to the same school. The woman always comes to my house, she likes to compare her daughter with me. I really hate being compared, I just want to live my own life.





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