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2023-11-29 03:48:02



Although sticking to ones goal is key to success, sometimes one should be ready to give up. Napoleons story is a case in point. After Napoleon succeeded in seizing the crown of France, he should have been satisfied with his achievement. But he did not. He went on to conquer the whole Europe. Then after he succeeded in ruling almost the whole Europe, he should have given up this ambition to expanding his empire. But he did not. He went on to invade Russia and there he suffered a total defeat. Later he was sent into exile and died in a lonely island.



The second reason for my propensity for outdoor activities is that they can build my mind greatly. In sports, one must learn to struggle for the victory, learn to fight with no matter what is left in his body. And one must learn to stick to ones own confidence and hope, no matter how little the hope may be. And one must learn to accept failure, learn to start again after failure. Long-running and mountain climbing contribute much to this kind of spirits. I will never forget the feeling when I raced to the final line first in a 300-meter running. I could hardly breathe in the last 100 meters. My lungs ached and my legs weighed tons, but there was still one runner in front of me. I gave all my strength to move one foot ahead of the other. When I surpassed him, he gave a cry of surprise, I won at last and I learned much from the race.




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