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The Three Musketeers_三个火枪手英语读后感400字

2019-12-18 13:45:01

"The Three Musketeers" is one of the French romantic writer Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas's novel, the vast majority are based on real historical background, interlocking plot, very attractive, but the vivid language, in his description, the hands of the people show their personality, each image is very rich, therefore, Alexandre Dumas also won the "popular fiction king" reputation, "the Three Musketeers" is one of his masterpieces.

This novel is based on the French king Louis thirteen dynasties and the rights inone red church nicephore during this period of history to stay in power in the background, the Three Musketeers loyal to King Ados, Bordeaux, Ala Mies and their friend Dahl camp clip, in order to protect the queen and king, they bravely fight the red church nicephore left to solve the various obstacles, arrived in Britain, successfully destroyed nicephore left plot.

This book except the Musketeers, what impressed me most is Miledi and nicephore stay two villain. Miledi, her charming, beautiful appearance is like a scorpion like wicked heart. She helped keep nicephore Musketeers, when the red block, the church's plot was found, her fate is to be sent to the guillotine, also confirmed that the old saying, There is justice in this world.

There are nicephore stay, as the French Prime Minister He hand.it, but the king trusted minister, but he is still not satisfied with what he has, to get more power. In order to control, he even framed the queen had an affair with others, to sow discord between the queen and king, let yourself off. But under the Musketeers confrontation, his plot ultimately did not succeed.

In Alexandre Dumas's infectious description, the villain impressed our minds again. It is because of these sinister and ruthless villain image background, will make the image more brave Musketeers, justice, true to life. And to promote the development of the story, let the Musketeers journey become very rough, the story more interesting.




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