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2020-06-13 08:09:01

在前面几期的地道表达法讲解中,我们学习了图表写作里关于“”和“”的一些短语。同时我们也学习了如何,在一期中我们学到了,未必一定要使用高级词汇才能表达得地道,简单词组一样可以精准达意。短语的含义往往由其核心词衍伸而来,并会因为不同的搭配出现或大或小的区别。这些区别是什么,这些短语用在哪里才更合适,都需要我们自己多加辨别。这一期我们将看到关于“平稳”和“波动”的一些表达法。以下短语和句子均来自。平稳:By the end of last last year, this improvement had reached a plateau.截至去年年底,这种改善趋于平稳。注解:reach a plateau: If you say that an activity or process has reached a plateau, you mean that it has reached a stage where there is no further change or development.plateau的意思是高原,reach a plateau,也就是进入平稳状态,不再有变化或进展。除了reach,hit也可以表示达到。hit a plateau: to reach a higher level of activity, sales, production, output, etc., and then stop and remain unchanged for a time.plateau用作动词含义为“进入停滞期,达到平稳状态”,所以除了reach/hit a plateau,plateau单独使用或后接out,也都能够表示“进入平稳时期”。If something such as an activity, process, or cost plateaus or plateaus out, it reaches a stage where there is no further change or development.The program will welcome twenty students in its first year with plans to level out at forty the following year.该计划将在第一年迎来二十名学生,并计划在接下来的一年里维持在四十人的水平。注解:level out/off: If a changing number or amount levels off or levels out, it stops increasing or decreasing at such a fast speed.level用作动词表示使变水平、平坦,level out/off表示“趋向平缓、趋于稳定”。需要注意的是,前面说到的reach a plateau是指某活动或进程,而level out/off 指的是数字或数量,并且有一个减缓并趋向平缓的过程。We cannot have low tax increases and maintain the same level of officers in the police department.我们无法在低税收增长的同时,在警察部门保持同等水平数量的警官。注解:maintain the same level: If you maintain something at a particular rate or level, you keep it at that rate or level.maintain一词本身就有保持、维持某一比率和水平的意思,需要注意的是,同为“保持”,keep一词可以用来帮助理解这个短语的意思,却不能替代maintain。maintain强调的是精心维护、照料,使物体保持良好的状态,而keep指通过主观控制使某种状态维持下去或某事物维持原状,二者还是存在区别的。波动:His total working time per week fluctuated between 35 hours and 45 hours.他每周工作时间在35至45小时间波动。注解:fluctuate between: to move between one thing and another; to change from one thing to another.fluctuate的意思是变动、波动、上下浮动,后接between限定波动范围,fluctuate between A and B也就是在A和B之间上下波动的意思。Gold prices would likely fluctuate around current levels but could rise later this year.黄金价格可能会在当前水平波动,但今年晚些时候可能上升。注解:around表示围绕,前面说到fluctuate between是指在某一范围内波动,fluctuate around表示的则是围绕某一水平出现上下波动。以上句子和短语均来自于,还没用过的贝友,可以哦~



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