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英语作文80字 关于引起宿舍纷争 争吵的原因。要求用到列举法:First Second ... Finally...

2020-09-29 02:10:01

英语作文80字 关于引起宿舍纷争,争吵的原因。要求用到列举法:First, Second,...,Finally... 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 作文80字 关于引起宿舍纷争,争吵的原因。要求用到列举法:First, Second,...,Finally... LV 2013 09 22 求给力 , 满意答案LV2013 09 22Nowadays, as an increasing number of people choose to live in schools and universities during the studying age, the harmony in the dormitory has been paid much more attention to than ever. Conflicts happened between roommates have various reasons, which differ from people to people.Firstly, even though people from different places often share some common interests, but an divergence does lie among roommates. It is likely that people who have different habits will quarrel with each other. For instance, there is the possiblity that people can not reach an agreement on when to turn off the lights becuase of distinct sleep habits.Secondly, young people in current society usually lack the necessary communication skills, which can be regarded as another important reason. As the only child in the family, young people are not good at getting on well with others. Particularly, someone who are arrogant and inconsiderate are really unbearable for the roommates.Thirdly, domitory is a place where both space and resources are limited. In other words, many activities are confined into a finite scope, which often makes people uncomfortable. As a result of living together for a long period, conflicts and querrelling occur among the roommates are inevitable.结尾自己随便总结下,ok了,懒得写了~01 您可能感兴趣的内容



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