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谁会写英语作文呢?题目是大城市的生活.现在就要的 我要背你的作文的 不要写太长啊

2020-10-16 09:25:01

What the life in big cities is like there are different point of views. Firstly,living in big cities can enjoy many things which cant be found in towns or counties.It is very convenient for us to travel through subway to wherever we go in a big city like Shanghai,without walking long distance.What is more,there are other much facility existing in big cities such as banking service,complete inrastructure,modern splendid malls. Secondly,on the other side of urban life,dissatisfaction still remains.As private cars are growing in big cities,the environment is getting worse day by day with more gas emission into the air and uncomfortable noise around residents community. In addition, the survival in big cities has become a pressing issue as housing prices have been skyrocketing remarkably,employment market intense and more pressure on urban workers. At last, with my observation,we ought to seek joy,positive side of big cities while making constant struggle to improve ourselves to better our lives.

谁会写英语作文呢?题目是大城市的生活.现在就要的 我要背你的作文的 不要写太长啊 150字吧 要议论文的 不然没有用.作业帮



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