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2020-10-21 00:15:01

Could you please help me?One day,Tom was playing football,suddenlly,The ball was kicked too high to be touched,the ball was hunging in the tree.Mr.Green was coming with umbrella when Tom had not known how to deal with it?Tom asked politely :"Could you please help me ,sir?" Mr.Green was really headache at that time ,but he found that there was a umbrella in his hand ,so Mr.Green caught the ball with the umbrerlla,the ball fell down finally,Tom was very happy,and he picked up the ball and went away without saying thanks.But Mr.Green found that his umbrella was hunging in the tree,he felt very helpless,and seeing Tom had gone,he told himself:Could please help me?Maybe at that time,Tom was too happy to help Mr.Green,Maybe Tom was selfish so he did not help Mr.Green.But no matter what is the reason ,please remember to help others who need your help.



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