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2020-10-21 03:55:01

时间:2010 04 26来源:英语作文网栏目:作者:英语作文 收藏: 如何处理酒店客人的抱怨英语作文,主要概述了,酒店客人对酒店服务的不满,然后客服是如何仔细听客人抱怨的一个过程。作文地带提供出来大家参考。


joozone version:How to handle hotel costumer complaint?

In a service industry like tourism it s nevitable that a guest will lodge a complaint.

As the old saying goes The customer is always right. First of all smile, listen, be courteous, see what can be accomplished that is satisfying to both the consumer and the company you work for.

Listen to what they say very carefully and say oh really, Im sorry for the inconvinience, Ill get right on that and then to be as polite as possible even if they start yelling. You just stay calm and ushually people complain about things that can be fixed easily. The main thing is just to be as polite as you can even if you want to drive a brick into their skull.

Finally, not every dissatisfied guest will make a complaint. therefore, complaints must be viewed as valuable sources of intelligence about possible issues that may need attention.



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