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2021-02-20 01:55:02




这样的教学模式符合学生认知规律,改变了传统的语法教学模式,发挥学生的主体作用,让学生在小组合作中探索求知,是新课改所提倡的教学方式。本节课运用陕西省西安市临潼区华清中学“导读议点练”教学模式进行教学, 让学生真正成为课堂的主人,在老师的指导下自主去阅读、讨论,分析总结, 然后教师加以点拨,最后配套练习对当堂内容加以巩固。


本节课是本单元的第四课时,学生已经在前两单元以及本单元的两篇阅读中接触了不少的名词性从句。因此,这一课时特设计为名词性从句的复习课, 旨在让学生进一步熟悉并掌握四种名词性从句的特点和一些连接词的使用。 名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句),是人教版 高中《英语必修三》第三、四、五单元的语法重点,也是高考每年必考点语法点之一。 (注:含本课时在本单元的"教学定位分析)学生情况分析: 本节课授课对象是高一学生,通过前两单元对于名词性从句的接触,学生 已初步建立起了一定的概念,但对于一些特殊的用法等还不熟悉,尤其是连接 词的使用方面以及定语从句和名词性从句的判定中,经常出现混淆现象。因此,我准备了大量例句让学生进行观察对比,找出其相似和不同之处,然后加以归纳总结语法规律,最后辅助于适用的练习进行巩固。








(1)whether 与 if 的区别,让学生知道什么情况下二者可以通用,什么情况下只能用 whether;

(2)that 在各名词性从句中的作用和可否省略问题;


5. 步骤:


1. 1) His words surprised me. 2) What he said surprised me.

2. 1) I was surprised at his words. 2) I was surprised at what he said.

3. 1) The news is surprising. 2) The news is that he failed again.

4. 1) The news surprised me. 2) The news that he failed again surprised me.

小结:名词性从句共有四类: 在复合句中做的从句是主语从句;在复合句中做的从句 是宾语从句; 在复合句中做的从句是表语从句;在复合句中做的从句是同位语从句。


步骤 2:阅读下列 6 个句子,并同桌讨论句中所含从句的类型。

1. Whether a new airport will be built hasn’t been decided.

2. Our difficulty is where we can find a pen.

3. Word came that he would come back before long.

4. It was not clear whether the shape would last or not.

5. We dont doubt that he can do a good job of it.

6. We have no doubt that he can do a good job of it.


步骤 3:小组讨论并总结名词性从句使用中需要注意的问题。

1. 探究:what 与 that 在从句中的句法功能有何不同?

1) That she loves music is known to us all.

2) Please tell me what has happened.

3) He did what he could to help us.

4) The fact is that I am busy now. 5) What it was to become was uncertain.

小结:what 词义_________,在从句中做_________ 成分;而 that_________ 。

2. 探究:你能归纳出必须使用 whether 的情况吗?

1) Whether we will go hiking depends on whether it will be rainy.

2) I have no idea whether he will come to the party.

3) The question is whether he will come to the party.

4) I don’t care whether he will attend the meeting or not.

5) He can’t decide whether/if he’ll stay here another day.

小结:只可使用 whether 的情况:___________________________________ 。

3. 探究:下列句中的 that 哪些是不可以省略的?

1) I believe (that) you have tried your best and that you can come to the top of the class.

2) He said that although he felt ill, he wouldn’t leave earlier.

3) It is said that his novel will come out next month.

4) The truth is that he came here on foot instead of by bus.

5) My idea that he should come here another day was refused by all of them.


4. 探究: that 引导的定语从句和同位语从句有何不同?

1) The news (that/which) he told me is true. The news that he will come is true.

2) The suggestion (that/which) he made is good. The suggestion that we should have a balanced diet is good.



步骤 4:当堂巩固

1. _______ he said is true.

A. What B. That C. Which D. Whether

2. Can you tell me ________?

A. who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is who

C. who that gentleman is D. whom is that gentleman

3. I have no idea _______ hell come or not.

A. why B. if C. that D. whether

4. It worried her a bit _______ her hair was turning gray.

A. when B. that C. if D. whether

5. _________ we cant get seems better than _________ we have.

A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what

6. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _________ I got wet through.

A. Its the reason B. Thats why C. Theres why D. Its how

7. It was _______ he said _______ disappointed me.

A. that; what B. that; that C. what; what D. what; that

8._____ is no doubt______ Bob can win the first prize in the match.

A. There, that B. It, that C. There, whether D. It, whether

设计意图:练——根据本节课的重难点,精心挑选出 8 道选择题,让学生在练习中进一步巩固对名词性从句的掌握。

步骤 5:本节回顾

1. what 与 that 在从句中的句法功能的不同:

2. 只用 whether 的情况:

3. that 不可省的情况:

4. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别:

设计意图:小结——先让学生总结,后加以概括点拨,利用多媒体呈现知识框 架、图表以便于学生理解记忆。

步骤 6: 课后作业 完成《成长资源》第 62 页语法练习题。

设计意图:通过作业让学生复习本节课内容并完成练习册上相应语法习 题,进一步深化其理解。



(1)what 与 that 在从句中的句法功能的不同;

(2) 只用 whether 的情况;

(3) that 不可省的情况;

(4) 同位语从句与定语从句的区别。

2) 评价方法:

(1) 自我评价;

(2) 同桌互相提问;




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