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2023-05-05 02:50:03




"It's snowing! Lily, quick get up!" Mother cry, make me wake up from sleep. I a bone old son got up from his bed and lie prone to the window a look, oh! What a big snow! As the snow flying, outside is a white world!

After breakfast, I back schoolbag go to school. Large tracts of snow, float down from the sky red clouds are gathering. Look at the snow, exquisitely carved. White jade, it is like a day from angel, and like the jade leaf falling on the moon palace osmanthus. Fluttering snowflakes like fan the jade butterfly wings, gently blowing, fell on the dead branches of the willows.

Snow blowing in my face, fresh, good comfortable! I just open my mouth to eat the snowflakes, special flavor, stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake, it like a naughty snow doll at hide and seek with me, melted in my hand.

Came to the school, found that the students are to watch the snow, "said the snow, on the roof, the trees, flower beds everywhere covered by thick layers of snow, our campus was a fairy tale in the pink outfit build by laying bricks or stones jade palace, we became the story in the lovely of elf.

The students are always looking forward to the arrival of the bell. Recess, students coming in, three group, two group, or make a snowman, snowball snowball fights or regiment, joyful shouts echoed in the campus from time to time.

In the late afternoon, the snow stopped, the school that wide playground, built a huge bed as eiderdown quilt. Feet stepped on, squelching sound, so sweet! Fell light leaves of the willow with fuzzy shiny silver bars, and those on the evergreen tree, is saddled with PengSongSong heavy snow ball!

Snow is beautiful!










I always love looking up at the sky, watching the white clouds in the sky from my head through the desolation and infinite began to spread.

Try a person standing in the winter road, looked up at the sky, looking at the pieces of white clouds moved from my head, that is, my heart, like a hollowed without any rely on, friends say, at that time of I, like a child, naive, but helpless, always want to use both hands to comfort her. I am confused.

In my opinion, I am a happy child (should be no longer a child), but the heart is always have a sad feeling, it is beside me, and some desolate sentence always linger in my mind, the feeling of this should be grown up!

Describes the composition of winter snow 10 composition about snow in the winter

Remember a friend said in the letters to me, you are all of my junior high school career, I with you together, just like a long not big child, but to leave you, I didn't know what's it like to grow up, so, you have to try to grow up.

Actually, from when I left home to study, I have already grown up, but everyone has a mask, a deputy to the survival of the mask.

Winter, everything in the end, when the sky is the brightest, I fell in love with this piece of the sky, there is no snow also fell in love with snow.












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