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2023-06-05 03:03:02




The word "art", at first glance sounds like far away from us. Always thought it is belong to artists, is the research object of graceful, it is hard to with the cover on almost all us ordinary people. However, if you really pay attention to the life, and those who art, actually lies around us everywhere.

If you are a woman that loves the United States, total want to dress up in front of the mirror before going out every day: facial makeup, hair style changes, to the clothing style and colour collocation, these are all art. Not a sentence as the saying goes: "beauty of heart, the person all has", it is beautiful, is the art of our eyes.

If you are like instant coffee shop or restaurant, then you must be of one or several stores and interior decoration, become old customers there. With the improvement of people's living standard, we have not only satisfied to the restaurant to eat, eat and focused more on the spirit to enjoy, novel and unique interior design, a beautiful piece or a chic picture may be will receive unexpected results. At this point you also double as "both" - consumers and art appreciation.

If you are the one who pay attention to detail, the mobile phone set of delicate phone sets, hang up the ding-dong sound mobile phone accesories; The computer appearance with a cute teddy bear shield; The room is warm; On the bag with a kawaii colle...

Often a few little detail is not taken seriously by us, in fact, in plain English, these are all art. But not the art of famous painter, not the art of the famous singer to sing out, also is not the art designer head. This kind of art is exclusively personal to the life, is the art of ordinary people. It was this art, to make our lives profusion is colorful, full of happiness and plain.







On Friday morning, the school playground is very busy, in all grades are concentrated in line, we have three grade is a visit to the art of shengzhou village, the desire of the long-awaited today finally I would like to, my classmates was very excited. People jubilantly walked towards art village. Art village is located in the front of the shengzhou youth activity center, probably less than half an hour, we got to art village, where beautiful scenery, a unique artistic buildings, is invigorating.

We led by xu teacher, first came to the calligraphy exhibition. There, elegantly good painting and calligraphy exhibition, hanging walls, thick aroma pubi. A place with beautiful mountains and rivers, a flower in full bloom zhizhi, only to live each rush of birds... , is so lifelike, exactly, I as if place oneself in the beautiful nature, vaguely heard the singing of birds, smell the scent of the flower.

Visiting the calligraphy exhibition hall, we also visited the national famous shengzhou artists carved pavilion, walked into the showroom, is really beautiful. The roots, originated from the nature by craftsmen carved, became higher than that of natural art decoration. I especially like the statue of maitreya, round head, for a good laugh, we is lifelike. The wonderful artical excelling nature of root carving let me very admire the craftsmen's superb technology, these are not the root of the life in their hands to be shaped in a lifelike image, true admiration, also made me shengzhou artists produce heartfelt admiration for us.

Visited the art village, I not only big open horizon, and got a beautiful enjoyment, cultivate their moral sentiments, improved his appreciation of art. Here, I wish the shengzhou art village of flower can be more gorgeous and colorful!








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