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2023-07-05 04:34:11




1. Hong Zhanhui, aged 23, a college student, is one of the top ten people who moved China in 2005.

2. He treated well/ took good care of his 11-year-old sister like a father.

3. He is highly praised for what he has done and what he is doing.

4. Poor as he is, he never gives up his studies.

5. Such is Hong Zhanhui, a poor but strong-minded and great person.


1. The other day I was playing in the park when I met a foreigner, who was looking very worried.

2. He thanked me for having helped him out of trouble.

3. Seeing the case, I jumped off my bike and helped the driver, whose car was struck in the mud.

4. Through our joint efforts, we managed to do it/made it/succeeded in catching the thief.

5. The badly hurt boy was rushed to the nearest hospital.

6. It so happened that I was passing there.

7. Five minutes later, some firefighters with an ambulance arrived.

8. It was the boy’s bravery and cleverness that saved the people on the train.


1. It is Sunday today. This morning we had a social activity---visiting a car factory/ a farm/ a theme park.

2. From the activity we have learned a lot.

3. We benefited a lot from the activity.

4. We can realize that science is playing a more and more important part/role in modern agriculture and industry.

5. From it we must enhance our sense of duty to protect wildlife and our Mother Earth.

6. While visiting, we thought a lot.

7. What an unforgettable experience!

8. Never shall I forget the activity!

9. This is the lesson we should learn.

10. Though tired, we felt very happy.


1. I read your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper.

2. I think I can be the right/suitable person you want. I want to be a volunteer.

3. I know from it that you have a vacancy for a typist/driver/secretary, etc.

4. I am sure I am suitable for the job.

5. Besides being good at typing, I have fluent/excellent spoken English.

6. I want very much to apply for the job you offer.

7. I am very interested in the job.

8. If I can get the job/can be employed, I will try my best to do it well.

9. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.


1. I am writing to tell you that we will have a get-together/ party next week.

2. I am writing to ask whether you have made a final decision to study abroad.

3. I am glad to receive your letter/e-mail saying that you are coming here next month. I am glad to know that you have been admitted to your dream university.

4. Remember me to your family. Good luck!

5. Expecting your writing back


1. As we can see from the chart, the number of people who use mobile phones is increasing steadily.

2. As can be seen from the table, there have been great changes in the ways of people getting information.

3. Compared to the year before last, it is obvious that the number has fallen sharply.

4. Great changes have taken place since 2000.

5. The number stays nearly the same, indicating that reading remains an important way that people acquire knowledge or find information.

6. More and more people turn to the Internet.

7. Nowadays, people have changed greatly in their eating habits.

8. It is no doubt it is the quickest and most convenient way to do things.

9. Living in the country, people can refresh themselves, breathing the fresh air.

10. By riding bicycles, people can produce, in a certain degree, no pollution to the environment.

11. More people are rich enough to afford such things as traveling.

12. Therefore, we can see it is a natural process with the development of science.


1. I want to ask two days’ leave because I need to be physically examined.

2. May I have your attention, please, everybody? I have an announcement to make.

3. I am writing to thank you for having given me so much help.

4. When I arrived at your home, you happened to be out, so I left the message.

5. I am writing to make an apology to you for what I have said about you and what I have done to you.



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