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2024-03-22 12:46:05

Title: My Gift - A 550-Word English Essay In this heartwarming essay, the author shares a personal experience of receiving a special gift and the impact it had on their life. Through 550 carefully crafted words, the essay explores the emotional significance of the gift, the memories associated with it, and the lasting gratitude it instilled in the author"s heart. The essay delves into the thoughtful gesture behind the gift, the joy of unwrapping it, and the profound sense of appreciation that followed. It captures the essence of giving and receiving, and how this particular gift became a symbol of love, kindness, and significance in the author"s life. Through vivid descriptions and heartfelt reflections, the essay invites readers to ponder the true meaning of a gift and its ability to touch the soul. It paints a compelling picture of the bond between the giver and the recipient, and the enduring impact of a simple yet profound act of generosity.

When I was young,my father ,who always taught me how to be a true man,told me that it is essential to be tolerant in your life whatever happens.

And that remains the most valuable present he gave me,I think To be tolerant, I need to keep calm when great trouble lies in front of me,however difficult it is to overcome it; To be tolerant ,I need to resist the temptation of all kinds of the outside world,even if it is so attractive; To be torlerant, I need to pull myself(控制自己情绪) in times of extreme sorrows and joys, no matter how they affect me.

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  1. 2024-03-29 04:46结束。[澳门网友]IP:1694499760


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